
Lyx insert figure
Lyx insert figure

lyx insert figure


Now you've got your distribution sorted, it's time to install LyX and thankfully this is a lot easier (and doesn't take as long!). The program doesn't check for updates automatically, so I'd recommend firing it up every couple of weeks or so just to make sure you're running the latest software. Updating your TeX distribution is relatively simple - simply click on the TeX Live Utility program within the TeX folder in your Applications folder. TeX Live Utility is where you install any updates for your distribution.


If you're serious about working with LyX, then I'd highly recommend to go with the full installation package. This will install the skeleton of the TeX distribution and although you'll still be able to write documents in LyX using TeX, you won't get any additional extras. There is a smaller MacTeX installer, available for people with slower internet connections, which clocks in at around 86 MB. You install MacTeX like you would any other OS X program through the built-in installer. The file is a PKG installer file, which you simply click on to install. This may sound a lot but it also installs a lot of useful additional programs, such as a bibliography manager and the important TeX Live Utility, which allows you to install important updates. It's approximately 2.3 GB in size and takes up around 4.5 GB on your hard disk drive. MacTeX is a custom-built TeX distribution for OS X.įor most users, the package I would recommend installing is the full MacTeX package.


There are plenty to choose from (as TeX is open-source) however for Mac users, the one that I would recommend is MacTeX, which is specifically designed for OS X and supports all official releases (including Mountain Lion - as of July 2013 there is no word on support for Mavericks). LyX requires a TeX distribution to be installed on your Mac before you can start. In this tutorial, I'm going to cover LyX in some detail and show you how you can use it to easily create simple yet professional-looking documents. It's a document processor that uses TeX to render your documents, meaning you get pretty much the same results as if you'd written the document in pure TeX code, but it comes with a more user-friendly interface and apart from some advanced formatting (which is beyond the scope of this tutorial), you don't have to learn a single line of TeX code.

lyx insert figure lyx insert figure

The problem with TeX, though, is that it comes with a fairly steep learning curve - you can't just start writing a document straight away in it and you need to learn the basics before you can start. As a former student, I was (and to some extent, am still) a big fan of TeX - a wonderful and versatile typesetting system first developed by Donald Knuth in the 1970s and still in widespread use today across the academic and scientific fields.

Lyx insert figure